Friday, October 21, 2005

A Preview of Things to Come

Thanks for the shout-out, Marfs. I have always viewed scrapbooking as a pure art expression, rather than just sticking a bunch of crap into a book. I mean, it's that too, but it's also a communion with the All Power, you know? I've got this new technique with glitter! You've got to see. Anyway, our new ghost tour is really great. I'm having a blast. It's made me think of an awesome spin-off solo show. I know! I know! I'm always discussing my solo work. But think about it: Everything we do as a band is just prologue to my solo work. So it only makes sense that I would be inspired to create personal projects, and talk incessantly in a passive-aggressive way about how I'm going to split from the band and work alone. Ya'll should respect that. I'm the great one in this band. I'm the one with "The Future", as the psychic lady told me. Ya'll believe in that psychic lady as much as I do. So how do you explain her prophetic words : "Ooh, Henry, you're the best!"? Last I checked, the word 'best' means 'better than those around him'. I don't think I need to spell out who those particular individuals are (I can't resist: M.A.R.F.A. and W.O.R.T.H.I.E.S.). What was I talking about before I had to play the psychic lady card? Oh yeah, my solo work. I'm thinking of calling my next album, "I'm not Worthy". You know, like a pun on the fact that I'm split from the band. Except I'm going to cross out the "not" and have a photo of me looking all self-assured, like I've changed my mind. My other idea is along the lines of our current tour. Check this out: "The Rabbi Wore a Deathly Pale Face". Perfection. Yes, it will be folky. Yes, I will employ a 12-member percussion-exclusive all-female punk band. No, I will not have Janet Jackson in my video. But does she have any kids? I'd love to get a child of Janet Jackson. Yes, I will sing in falsetto. This is my new trademark. I have received a lot of positive feedback - Not all of it bad! Some people really do think it sounds masculine. Just because these people don't know what the word masculine means and think it's a drug and come up to me and ask, "Are you on masculine?!", and I take that to mean they are complimenting my awesome new singing voice, that doesn't mean, um, anything! Yeah. Well, I'd better go "scrap" out some books. Enjoy the rock shows. And remember: It's going to get a Whole Lot Better once I start fronting my own group and ditch Barfa and the UnWorthies. Bye, fans! See you when I see you.

Monday, October 17, 2005


WOw! wow. I can't even begin to tell you where I've been. Let me take a breather. whew. okay. Now.

SO, yeah, fans! It was hysterical - you should have seen Henry trying to see where we were at, cuz, hey we were incorporeal! The big H did pull through, big-time, though, because he got out the ol' 4-track and the psychics and we laid down our ghostly new LP, entitled 'plasma paranormale.' It's got the previously mentioned indie eerie emo feelie, along with some latin flavor (turns out, The Other Side has some amazing transparent maracas).

I believe Rosh Hashana is the new year. I'm not sure if gifts are given, but people usually eat something sweet, like apples with nuts and honey for a "sweet new year". Also recently, it was Yom Kippur, the day of atonement and reconciliation. It's nice that Judaism bundles those two up together, kind of like when you bundle up firewood with smaller bits of wood that will help the larger parts burn to make a nice warm fire. Come to think of it, you guys in the woods (woods-fans we call you) could use your sport-fishing magazines as kindling. Oh right, I forgot! You only have computers. Well, I believe silicone chips burn like no other! And then you can make s'mores over pixels. That's a nice vision.

So yeah, after the materialization, I ended up in Tierra del Fuego (I was dropped from 10 feet in the sky), and then I had to hitchhike my way back to Portland, where we're chilling for a while before heading out to tour 'plasma paranormale'. Brink out yr sheetz w/holez cut out y'all.

Peaches and prosperity,


PS-Henry has gotten truly amazing at scrapbooking. Check out his work, featured in the book below. Congrats, Hen-hen!