Man Alive! Zeitgeist.
Hey Worries, I've been out in the field with my 10-foot long microphone and headphones and homophones, getting the best of the world, audio-wise. Here are some noteworthy 24K golden moments to be included on the 'wich:
-Siamese donkey brayings. (got access to the special FFA secret room)
-90-year-old man going down a slip-and-slide with the greatest of speeds and the lavendarest of Speedoes. He was in great shape. The war cry on that man!
-A fat lady sitting on a BLT. Over and over and over again.
-Playing my double bass in the Erebus Glacier Tongue, Antarctica, accompanied by the soft chatter of penguins watching the performance.
I've begun programming the sounds into some compositions for "Hey Lady Where's My Sandwich". It's total schadenfreude, or nebellicht, or heidelbeere that you wrote a song about a lady and a sandwich and I recorded the sound of a lady and a sandwich. M + W's 4-evah.
Also, Henry, I have received a letter for you in my mailbox (when are you leaving the halfway house?). Here goes:
"Dear Henry, the only Worthy that really matters,
I love you and want to be with your forever. I will hold you just like you are cradling the chicken on the cover of "It Only Hurts Part of the Time". Which, by the way, I had the other sounds removed so that I could hear only your drums. Only your drums. I do your riffs all the time in the cafeteria. I have my own table where I eat Honey Buns and tots and I don't care what Mrs.Cunt-ing-ham says, I'll play drums with my spork and butter knife all day, I don't care. Please come to the Homecoming Dance with me. I knitted a dress with your face in it. I can make you a matching suit with your face on it too. Then it would be like 3 Henrys, and that is triple heaven. I love you forever.
Love you,
CeCe "Henry" Kobravski
P.S. See? Your name is my middle name. Because I want you to be part of me all the time."
Sigh. There you go, Henry. Disturbing.
-Fraulein Marfa
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